Zaldi Lasarte Jump Saddle

Used Zaldi Close Contact Jumping Saddle, Lasart, 17″, width 28 – 34 adjustable in saddle press, TM movable knee blocks, black
Lightly Used $1000.00
Retail price new $3460, this saddle has been lightly used as a demo model.
- Stirrup bar – 2 position, lay flat attachment
- Seat 17”
- Channel width – 9 cm
- Panel: latex with anatomical cut out for scapula
- Knee blocks: re-positional TM external blocks. Blocks can be fully removed and positioned at different angles or rotations. Velcro under the flap would also accommodate an internal moveable block (Velcro block not included)
- Female seat: 1cm wider at the pommel
- Manufactured on a fixed semi-deep jump reinforced tree – EPDM polypropylene – adjustable in a saddle press. Tree Sizes: 28 – 34 cm This saddle is currently set at 28.We are a Zaldi dealer and adjust these saddles in our tree press. We will adjust this saddle anywhere between 28 – 34 for buyer, no charge, before shipping the saddle. Roads End Farm Manitoba Canada
- Color: Black
- Weight 5.6 kg
- Flap (FROM STIRRUP BAR) 38 cm
- Panel 46 cm
- Panel Supported area on back 40 cm

Zaldi Mot Dressage Saddle Example
For comparison, this is Zaldi dressage with some other options on it. Manufacturer base price on this saddle before added options is 3290.00 CAD