Eagala – The Global Standard for Equine-Assisted Psychotherapy and Personal Development
The Eagala Model is a unique counselling option for individuals seeking something different than traditional office-based talk therapy. A licensed, Mental Health Professional and a qualified Equine Specialist structure sessions incorporating horses to provide a unique space for an emotionally safe, hands-on experience. Eagala is effective with youth and adults in addressing issues such as addiction, trauma, grief, relational conflict, depression, anxiety.
Horses are the perfect partner in therapy work because they are highly sensitive and intuitive by nature. Horses can provide a therapeutic relationship that allows the individual to work through life struggles without feeling judgment or interpretation by another person. All the work is done on the ground with no riding involved.
When you feel overwhelmed with the stresses of life and you find yourself in the same situation over and over again, you end up feeling stuck. Emotions and behaviors become problematic and take a toll on relationships and your ability to manage life well. Learn to connect with your self and understand your life story in a non-judgmental and safe space. Explore your struggles and possible solutions through your experience with the horses and guided by professionals. The Eagala model of counselling can effectively lead to insight and change, without having to sit in an office and talk about “the problems”. The role of the Eagala team is to provide guidance that assists the individual’s process in creating their own lasting solutions.
Our team at work in the office

Meet the Team:
Tracey Kinkead (H.B.S.W., R.S.W) Rider/coach of 30 years, Social Worker of 20 years.

Registered Social Worker with the Manitoba College of Social Workers – experienced with youth and adult populations in trauma, addictions, domestic violence, crisis support and stabilization. Tracey takes a client-led style of intervention that allows the individual to discover their own deeply held values and beliefs, and align choices with what is most important to them. Change is about taking effective action guided by values and living life fully present and engaged. The foundations of Tracey’s practice are in Motivational Interviewing, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Eagala (certified Mental Health Practitioner role and Equine Specialist role).
Clint Kinkead Rider/Trainer/Coach of 30 years.

Clint is the Equine Specialist in the Eagala session. He takes a quiet approach to working with young horses and ones with difficult pasts. He has extensive experience in equine behaviour and in horse-human interaction. This knowledge base transfers to his work in Eagala to take a quiet and respectful approach with clients, and allows the horses to engage both freely and safely in the session.
Our equine partners are a range of ages, sizes and breeds, and have been chosen for being very people oriented and intuitive.
The work we do together:
Struggling with…
● Frustration and discouragement, feeling broken and unfixable
● Deeply held guilt, loss, depression, anger or grief
● Overcome by emotions and stressed out in life
● Difficulty with relationships
● Choosing alcohol, drugs, self-harm to cope
● Tired of traditional office therapy, or find it a waste of time
● Repeating the same painful life situations over and over again
● Feeling stuck and without hope of getting better
● To come to terms with experiences and injuries
● To heal and find meaning in the past
● To respond with confidence to life’s challenges
● To build strength and resilience
● To regain control in life
Road’s End Farm is a certified provider through the Eagala Organization:
Eagala, the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association, was founded in 1999 with the mission to set standards, provide support, and educate professionals who are changing lives world-wide through mental health services incorporating horses. Over 2,500 mental health professionals and equine specialists have been trained and certified, operating over 500 Eagala Model mental health programs in 40 countries. In 2018 alone, these programs served 60,458 clients, confronting challenges such as post-traumatic stress disorder, human trafficking and abuse, addictions, depression, and other behavioral health issues. Eagala is a registered 501c3 non-profit headquartered in Utah, USA. For more information, visit www.eagala.org